Saldor offers an API service for extracting content from the web. You can use our API directly or leverage our Python or TypeScript SDKs. To get started, you’ll need access to our platform (request here) and an API key.

Generate an API Key

After gaining access to our platform, sign in to the Saldor Console and navigate to Settings -> API Keys. There, you can generate an API key.

We recommend storing this key in an environment variable named SALDOR_API_KEY.

If you’re using one of our prebuilt SDKs, continue below. For other languages, please refer to the API Reference page.

Package Installation

First, you need to install the Saldor package. If you haven’t installed it yet, you can do so using pip:

Basic Usage

Once your environment is set up, you can start using the Saldor Client in your code. Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to initialize the client, start a crawl job, and retrieve the results:

And that is all that you need to get up and running in Saldor. Explore more of this documentation for more advanced features.